Today is a new day. Today is a day for you to begin creating a joyous, fulfilling life. Today is the day to begin to release all your limitations. Today is the day for you to learn the secrets of life. You can change your life for the better. You already have the tools within you to do so. These tools are your thoughts and your beliefs. In this book, I will teach you how to use these tools to improve the quality of your life.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with the benefits of positive affirmations, I’d like to explain a little about them. An affirmation is really anything you say or think. A lot of what we normally say and think is quite negative and doesn’t create good experiences for us. We have to retrain our thinking and speaking into positive patterns if we want to change our lives. An affirmation opens the door. It’s a beginning point on the path to change. In essence, you’re saying to your subconscious mind: “I am taking responsibility. I am aware that there is something I can do to change.” When I talk about doing affirmations, I mean consciously choosing words that will either help eliminate something from your life or help create something new in your life. Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation.
All of our self-talk, our internal dialogue, is a stream of affirmations. You’re using affirmations every moment whether you know it or not. You’re affirming and creating your life experiences with every word and thought. Your beliefs are merely habitual thinking patterns that you learned as a child. Many of them work very well for you. Other beliefs may be limiting your ability to create the very things you say you want. What you want and what you believe you deserve may be very different. You need to pay attention to your thoughts so that you can begin to eliminate the ones creating experiences you do not want in your life.
Please realize that every complaint is an affirmation of something you think you don’t want in your life. Every time you get angry, you’re affirming that you want more anger in your life. Every time you feel like a victim, you’re affirming that you want to continue to feel like a victim. If you feel that Life isn’t giving you what you want in your world, then it’s certain that you will never have the goodies that Life gives to others—that is, until you change the way you think and talk.
You’re not a bad person for thinking the way you do. You’ve just never learned how to think and talk. People throughout the world are just now beginning to learn that our thoughts create our experiences. Your parents probably didn’t know this, so they couldn’t possibly teach it to you. They taught you how to look at life in the way that their parents taught them. So nobody is wrong.
However, it’s time for all of us to wake up and begin to consciously create our lives in a way that pleases and supports us. You can do it. / can do it. We all can do it—we just need to learn how. So let’s get to it. Throughout this book, I’ll talk about affirmations in general, and then I’ll get to specific areas of life and show you how to make positive changes in your health, your finances, your love life, and so on. This is a small book, because once you learn how to use affirmations, then you can apply the principles in all situations.
Some people say that “affirmations don’t work” (which is an affirmation in itself), when what they mean is that they don’t know how to use them correctly. They may say, “My prosperity is growing,” but then think, O/i, this is stupid, I know it won’t work. Which affirmation do you think will win out? The negative one, of course, because it’s part of a long-standing, habitual way of looking at life. Sometimes people will say their affirmations once a day and complain the rest of the time. It will take a long time for affirmations to work if they’re done that way. The complaining affirmations will always win, because there are more of them and they’re usually said with great feeling.
However, saying affirmations is only part of the process. What you do the rest of the day and night is even more important. The secret to having your affirmations work quickly and consistently is to prepare an atmosphere for them to grow in. Affirmations are like seeds planted in soil. Poor soil, poor growth. Rich soil, abundant growth. The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmations work. So think happy thoughts, it’s that simple. And it is doable. The way you choose to think, right now, is just that—a choice. You may not realize it because you’ve thought this way for so long, but it really is a choice. Now . . . today . . . this moment… you can choose to change your thinking. Your life won’t turn around overnight, but if you’re consistent and make the choice on a daily basis to think thoughts that make you feel good, you’ll definitely make positive changes in every area of your life.
(I learned this secret from Esther Hicks/Abraham. Esther Hicks is a motivational speaker who dialogues with a group of spiritual teachers who call themselves Abraham. If you haven’t experienced the teacher Abraham, visit for more information. I consider Abraham to be one of the best teachers on the planet today.)
I wake up each morning with blessings and gratitude for the wonderful life I lead, and I make the choice to think happy thoughts no matter what others are doing. No, I don’t do this 1OO percent of the time, but I am up to about 75 or 80 percent right now, and it’s made a big difference in how much I enjoy life and how much good just seems to flow into my everyday world.
The only moment you ever live in is this moment. It’s the only time you have any control over. “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, which is why we call it the present.” My yoga teacher, Maureen MacGinnis, repeats this in every class she teaches. If you don’t choose to feel good in this moment, then how can you create future moments that are abundant and fun?
How do you feel right now? Do you feel good? Do you feel bad? What are your current emotions? What is your gut feeling? Would you like to feel better? Then reach for a better feeling or thought. If you feel bad in any way—sad, grumpy, bitter, resentful, angry, fearful, guilty, depressed, jealous, critical, and so on—then you’ve temporarily lost your connection to the flow of good experiences that the Universe has waiting for you. Don’t waste your thoughts on blame. No person, place, or thing has any control over your feelings because they don’t think in your mind.
This is also why you really have no control over others—you see, you can’t control their thoughts. No one can control another unless that person gives permission. So you want to be aware of this powerful mind you have. You can take total control over your own thinking. It’s the only thing you’ll ever have total control of. What you choose to think is what you’ll get in life. I’ve chosen to think thoughts of joy and appreciation, and you can, too.
What kinds of thoughts make you feel good? Thoughts of love, appreciation, gratitude, joyful childhood experiences? Thoughts in which you rejoice that you’re alive and bless your body with love? Do you truly enjoy this present moment and get excited about tomorrow? Thinking these kinds of thoughts is an act of loving yourself, and loving yourself creates miracles in your life.